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博大家教网为同学们整理了《长春初一英语辅导暑假班》这篇文章,希望同学们喜欢。更多内容请关注博大家教网。 初一英语是进修的一个新进程,细心学好了初一英语,那就能够为今后的英语进修做到有效巩固,同学期望细心学好英语,单词和语法是非常必要的,无奈有大量的英语单词,屡屡会让同学和父母很烦,也是最可能让同学失却对英语进修的兴趣。暑假快要到来,因而英语进修又演变成了父母很烦的事!持久的暑假,同学英语该怎样提升呢?亲爱的同学、父母,把这种困难丢给博大教育长春初一英语辅导暑假班吧!让同学一个暑假欢喜进修,一心进修,来个不一样的暑假享受。还等甚麽呢?父母马上让同学暑假英语学起来吧,有甚麽想了解的问题当下就能够拿着家中移动电话打博大教育中国免金钱号码:0431-88002985,详询长春初一英语辅导暑假班补习授课内容哦!
        一.短语:1. a bottle of;2. a little;3. a lot (of);4. all day;5. be from;6. be over7. come back;8. come from;9. do one’s homework;10. do the shopping;11. get down;12. get home;13. get to;14. get up;15. go shopping;16. have a drink of;17. have a look;18. have breakfast;19. have lunch;20. have supper;21. listen to;22. not…at all;23. put…away;24. take off;25. throw it like that26. would like;27. in the middle of the day;28. in the morning / afternoon/ evening;29. on a farm;30. in a factory二.句型1. Let sb. do sth.;2. Could sb. do sth.?;3. would like sth.;4. would like to do sth.;5. What about something to eat?;6. How do you spell …?;7. May I borrow…?三.交际用语:1. —Thanks very much!;You're welcome.2. Put it/them away.3. What's wrong?4. I think so.;I don't think so.5. I want to take some books to the classroom.6. Give me a bottle of orange juice, please.;Please give it / them back tomorrow. OK.7. What's your favourite sport?8. Don't worry.9.I’m (not) good at basketball.10. Do you want a go?11. That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right.12. Do you have a dictionary / any dictionaries?;Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.13. We / They have some CDs.;We / They don’t have any CDs.14. ---What day is it today / tomorrow?---It’s Monday.15. ---May I borrow your colour pens, please?---Certainly. Here you are.16. ---Where are you from?---From Beijing.17. What's your telephone number in New York?18. ---Do you like hot dogs?---Yes, I do. ( A little. / A lot. / Very much.)---No, I don't. ( I don't like them at all.)19. ---What does your mother like?---She likes dumplings and vegetables very much.20. ---When do you go to school every day?---I go to school at 7:00 every day.21. ---What time does he go to bed in the evening?---He goes to bed at 10:00.
        博大教育长春初一英语辅导暑假班正预定报名中,你能够打咱们的免金钱移动电话:0431-88002985报名,也能网上进入博大官方网站:http://www.yaskawachina.com.cn; 详尽咨询辅导教师教授的课程后再报名。博大的辅导教师时刻关怀同学的进修变化,及时对同学进修症状,推选出相对性的进修专业指导:



